Policy Rounds Series

The Policy Rounds webinar series brings current aging and technology research in Canada to the forefront through policy oriented briefing presentations. With the goal of enhancing knowledge translation in AgeTech research, Policy Rounds are geared towards government stakeholders, researchers, students, older adults, caregivers, community organizations, and the public at-large so that everyone can explore important topics impacting the lives of older adults and their caregivers.

The Policy Rounds is a monthly recurring event. If you’re interested in presentation your work through this webinar series, please contact Cassy Hemphill at chemphill@dal.ca



Coordinated Aging in Place Services (CAPS) with Integrated Primary Health Care

Paula Pickard, RN BN

Using Geographic Data for Policy Planning and Program Development in Canadian Communities Facing Accelerated Aging

Dr. Catherine Bigonnesse

Wheelchair Skills Assessment and Training: From Research Evidence to Clinical Practice

Dr. Lee Kirby

How Gerry Connect is enhancing social connection and independence in aging populations

Michelle Nguyen, Product Manager

Accessible and effortless monitoring of chronic respiratory diseases in older adults: A data driven approach to timely interventions

Sejal Bhalla, Ph.D. Computer Science


concordance of frailty among community-dwelling older couples: an administrative health data survey

Dr. Sandra Magalhaes

Pain in Long-Term Care Settings: Applications of mHealth Technology and Policy Implications

Vivian Tran, HQP

Preventing caregiver stress and burnout

Gord Turner, CareLink Advantage

Active Aging: Empowering Older Adults with Interactive Tehchnologies for Improved Balance and Aging-in-Place

Mark Evin, Jintronix

Bridging the Digital Divide for Older Adults

Dr. Melina Head

Context-Aware Sensing for Aging in Place

Dr. Qiyin Fang

Community Led Digital Literacy Training for Older Adults

Dr. Brian Deltor

Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-Being: Unveiling Solutions for Long-Term Care Staff

Dr. Carole Estabrooks

Care2Talk – A Platform Purpose-built for Older Adults

Jordan Schley & Lindsay Shaw


Advancing the Role of IoT in Public Health Research

Dr. Plinio Morita

The Compensation Series: Practices to better include older people from disadvantaged groups in research

Dr. Amanda Grenier

CFN’s Frailty Outcomes Consensus Project (FOCUS)

Dr. Jeanette Prorok

Community Based Digital Literacy: Meeting the Needs and Wants of Older Adults

Dr. Tara La Rose

Personal Assistance Robots: Will they improve the lives of aging adults?

Dr. Gary Bone

The Data Scarcity Problem in Understanding Older Adult Mobility

Dr. Rong Zheng

A digital health tool for integrated care: interRAI Check Up Self-report

Dr. Melissa Northwood

Applying Rehabilitation Strategies to Population Health: Use of Technology to Support Self-Management and Prevention

Dr. Lori Letts

is innovation in the details: what have we learned from the band-frail project?

Dr. Martin Sénéchal