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APPTA Policy Stakeholder Meeting

octobre 22, 2019

The AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub Advancing Policies and Practices in Technology and Aging (APPTA) supports governments in generating opportunities to address the policy and practice challenges of an aging population. A joint initiative of AGE-WELL and the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, APPTA aims to bridge the gap between research and implementation, create opportunities for knowledge exchange, and foster an environment of innovation and collaboration in aging across Canada.

We believe knowledge sharing is crucial to breaking the mould and improving the quality of life of older adults across Canada. At APPTA, we take a connectivity approach to complex challenges, bringing people together from east to west, north to south, to share their best ideas and work collectively on policy solutions that will benefit Canadian seniors. As such, each year APPTA hosts two Policy Stakeholder Meetings with the objective of bringing policy and decision-makers from across the country together around identified policy priorities, and offer a meaningful opportunity for connection and exchange.

This year, our Policy Stakeholder Meeting will take place on October 22nd, 2019 in Moncton, NB, and will be followed by the AGE-WELL Annual Conference. The topic for our meeting will be focused on the following policy priority: what are the options that governments can employ to provide enhanced supports for caregivers?


Date :
octobre 22, 2019

One Response to “APPTA Policy Stakeholder Meeting”

novembre 26, 2023 at 11:15 am, czdrjkvhri said:

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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